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Dog fouling

Reported via mobile in the Dog fouling category anonymously at 22:40, Thu 4 May 2023

Sent to Adur District Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4518872.

Yes we need more signs and dog wardens patrolling the park as the pooper are everywhere again this is a park for everyone not just a dogs toilet!! Children want to play sport and other non dog owners want to enjoy the park without getting poo shoes!!!

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  • Needs to be more signage and more fog pop bins. Simply not enough of them and they don’t get emptied as often as they should causing public health concerns! We should have over flowing dog mess bins in this day and age! It’s like going back to the 1900s!!

    Posted anonymously at 07:07, Fri 2 June 2023
    Still open, via questionnaire

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