Gross Incompetence
Reported via mobile in the Potholes / Highway Condition category by Neil the Potholeman at 22:01, Wed 26 April 2023
Sent to Northamptonshire Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4490648.
At then entrance to the village, a sensible patch has been marked to cover numerous defects. Then your highway inspector has decided to mark a myriad of defects (but not all) for repair new the junction of Coxs Lane. This will just lead to more defects and more expense. Just close the road, one large patch then surface dress from one end of village to the other. Stop wasting my money on ineffectual repairs that contravene your policies.
Thank you for reporting a fault. Officers will now investigate the concerns and this may take up to 5 working days. If you believe that your concerns are urgent then please phone us.
State changed to: Investigating
Posted by Northamptonshire Highways at 22:01, Wed 26 April 2023
Investigation: Ongoing - Regarding the condition of this section of the road, we can confirm that the defects that meet investigation levels have already been marked for repair on an inspectors report and will be undertaken by 23rd of May.
Posted by Northamptonshire Highways at 10:57, Fri 28 April 2023
A myriad of tiny patches completed today, that will fail quickly, along with the already failing areas around them.
Posted by Neil the Potholeman at 22:35, Wed 24 May 2023
Still open, via questionnaire -
Investigation: Completed (Defect Found) - Regarding the condition of this section of the road, we can confirm that the defects that meet investigation levels have already been marked for repair on an inspectors report and will be undertaken by 23rd of May.
Posted by Northamptonshire Highways at 11:04, Fri 2 June 2023
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