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Uneven Roundabout

Reported in the Road or pavement defect category anonymously at 14:26, Wed 26 February 2014

Sent to Redbridge 4 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 446418.

An urgent repair is needed here. I nearly got killed on my bike. This is an uneven roundabout on Wellesley Road, junction with Granville Road IG1. There are 4 manholes here. Car drivers tend to dodge the uneven surface around the centre right manhole when facing Cranbrook road, by driving partly onto Granville Road. I was nearly killed on my cycle yesterday when a car driver verged towards me as I was coming from Granville road, causing me to fall off my bike. The car behind me did an emergency stop. A nearby gentleman in his 60's was passing by and helped me up, he told me that this happens all the time with car drivers as they dodge the uneven surface around the roundabout. I request the local borough to urgently make repairs to the road surface here to make it even and level.

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  • Still open, via questionnaire, 16:36, Wed 26 March 2014

  • Still open, via questionnaire, 15:26, Thu 24 April 2014

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