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Dangerous parking

Reported via mobile in the Car parking category anonymously at 18:20, Mon 17 April 2023

Sent to Fareham Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4452584.

This car is an example a regular issue with parents/caregivers parking directly opposite the entrance to the Mulberry Bush nursery on Locks Road, Locks Heath. This car has completely obstructed the pavement which is particularly dangerous when considering that parents are leaving the nursery premises with pushchairs and would be unable to safely navigate the pavement without having to walk around the car and into direct traffic. Vehicles are regularly being parked in this way directly opposite existing parked cars which causes a bottleneck of traffic on this road which is a heavy use road. Consideration should be given to putting yellow lines on the road opposite the entrance to the Mulberry Bush or at least no parking signs installed. I would suggest that this is a hazard to both road users and pedestrians and is a regular problem as a result of lazy and inconsiderate parking.

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  • Still open, via questionnaire, 19:04, Mon 15 May 2023

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