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A20 Layby Sellenge

Reported via Android in the Rubbish (refuse and recycling) category by Litter Picking Watch Romney Marsh at 19:01, Fri 14 April 2023

Sent to Folkestone and Hythe District Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4440885.

The quantity of rubbish along the ditch beside this long layby is shocking. Historical rubbish that's been there for years, large quantities of bottles of urine and faeces. Fly tipping of every description. It's a disgrace. This requires a commercial team to clean this area cut back the overgrown shrubs and clear the ditches. Volunteer litter pickers regularly pick the A20 from the Westernhanger turn-off to Sellenge saving the council a huge sum of money in having to send out teams; the volunteers do it for free and are happy to continue to support our council in keeping our area clean, but we do need your help.

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  • The area was cleaned by a council and the overgrown shrubs cut back, historical rubbish was removed by Volunteers and is maintained by them. There are bins along the edge of the layby that are emptied by FHDC. The dumping still continues but is kept on top of by dedicated volunteers.

    Posted by Mr Christopher J McAuley (Litter Picking Watch RM) at 07:43, Thu 28 December 2023

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