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Dreadful Road

Reported via mobile in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 14:24, Sat 8 April 2023

Sent to West Sussex County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4412114.

For months this section of road has been dangerously degraded. The surface is broken with multiple potholes. An utter disgrace that Highways should be embarrassed and ashamed about. Previously there has been shoddy unprofessional work that falls way below any acceptable standard. It's time to do a permanent repair and to hold the contractor accountable if it performs as before with short term durability. I am surprised if there have been no accidents and or compensation claims. Arguably, the road is so poor it should be closed. I personally never drive that road in the dark because it is littered with potholes along the whole length. The road sides need strengthening with kerb stones as the edges keep being repaired but are broken again in weeks.

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  • Dangerous. I drive this and cycle it and the road surface is now so so bad it is likely to cause serious accidents as people swerve to avoid or navigate around the pot holes. Those unfamiliar with the road whizz round and then brake hard to minimise damage to their cars. So dangerous

    Posted anonymously at 08:11, Tue 11 April 2023

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