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Pavement and road parking

Reported via desktop in the Car parking category anonymously at 13:58, Thu 6 April 2023

Sent to Bromsgrove District Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4406356.

Minimal double yellows to create safe emergence from Townsend avenue estate. yellow lines were extended in 2021 on the other side of the junction, they need to be extended along bham road side towards burcot avenue. accident waiting to happen as visibility emerging is obscured by constant parked cars in proximity to the junction

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  • A suggestion: B'grove District Council might not bother to deal with this issue. Try contacting Worcs. County Council's H/ways Dept. - WCC's responsibility includes roads. A recommendation from the Local Policing Team (SNT) might be useful to get WCC to consider dealing with this safety issue. CONTACT your County Councillors and see if they 'promise' to actually take enforcement action. GOOD LUCK, and pray for miracles!

    Posted by Redditch Resident at 06:31, Fri 7 April 2023

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