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Drainage issue

Reported via Android anonymously at 16:32, Fri 31 March 2023

Sent to East Hertfordshire District Council and Hertfordshire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4382610.

From the time when there was a water main leak outside of Simon Ball school, every time there is heavy rain water paws down rooks alley from a manhole cover that serves the fresh water supply. It would appear that surface water drainage is breaking out of its supposed route and undermining the road and pavement surface and then coming down alongside a water pipe. The guys that were doing the surface water drainage work on mangrove Road last week did mention something about a junction with attempts water drain so that could be the point that the leak is happening whatever is the cause if water is flowing down the hill outside of a pipe it won't be long before there is a serious surface issue with the foot path and /or Road Ignoring the problem is not a solution and it's not what we pay our taxes for

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  • It turns out the manhole is owned by Thames water and I have subsequently found out that the county have or will approach Thames water and that it scheduled for some time in the future not clear whether this is a foul sewer or surface water pipe

    Posted anonymously at 19:15, Fri 28 April 2023

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