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~1m wide, 2m long, 0.2m deep depression in road outside 258 Gloucester Road

Reported via desktop in the Roads category anonymously at 10:23, Fri 24 March 2023 using FixMyStreet Pro

Sent to Bristol City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4353303.

The depression has been reported numerous times over the past months and remains a significant hazard to cyclists, scooters and other road users while also being a huge annoyance to footpath users in wet weather due to continual splashing. There is also undermining of the kerbs and at least 1 is loose in its haunching where pointing has been eroded/washed out.

This could potentially prove fatal for a cyclist or e-scooter user as hitting it could result in the rider being thrown from the device and into the path of a bus/lorry/car.

Apparently there is debate about whether or not this is a fresh water leak. Either way, the responsibility for any accident (or heaven forbid, fatality) resulting from inaction sits firmly with the maintainer/controller of the roads - i.e. Bristol City Council.

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  • A new enquiry has been raised for this issue.

    Posted by Bristol City Council at 10:24, Fri 24 March 2023

  • This issue is currently under investigation. We'll provide updates on the outcome as soon as we can.

    Posted by Bristol City Council at 18:08, Fri 24 March 2023

  • This has been going on for years. Isn't it about time some provided a meaningful update on here?

    Posted anonymously at 10:14, Fri 9 June 2023

  • A citizen has provided a follow-up to the original enquiry.

    Posted by Bristol City Council at 10:14, Fri 9 June 2023

  • As this issue is not urgent we'll deal with it as part of a future planned work scheme in this area.

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted by Bristol City Council at 10:12, Thu 19 December 2024

This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.