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Glass smashed on bus shelters (x 2)

Reported via desktop anonymously at 22:34, Fri 17 March 2023 using FixMyStreet Pro

Sent to Cherwell District Council and Oxfordshire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4326979.

Please see the below email that I received from Councillor Kieron Mallon from Banbury Town Council on 24/01/23 regarding a damaged bus shelter (smashed glass) at this location (on the new roundabout): Dear Mr Green As is the usual case on new developments the handover from the developer to the correct arm of the state is always complicated and time consuming, that is the case here. I have spent the morning contacting all and now can confirm that the shelter is now in the hands of the County Council and has not yet been handed to the Town Council. Having spoken to the Bus people at OCC they will now repair the shelter and I will inform Mrs Aydin of the current position on Thursday when she returns to work. Mrs Aydin works two days a week. Yours sincerely Kieron Mallon This bus shelter has been damaged since the beginning of December 2022, yet despite this assurance from Cllr Mallon that OCC would repair this, this has still yet to be carried. Due to the this long delay, further glass panels have since been smashed in this shelter - and also another bus shelter on the opposite side of the roundabout has also been damaged with smashed glass panels. Please can both of these bus shelters now be repaired ASAP?

Council ref: ENQ23952155

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  • Thank you for your enquiry. This issue has been passed onto the relevant team for investigation.

    State changed to: Investigating

    Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 22:34, Fri 17 March 2023

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