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Very poor, degrading road surface, potholes

Reported via desktop in the Potholes category anonymously at 08:34, Thu 2 March 2023

Sent to Leicestershire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4275646.

Holes in the road, sinking drains and loss of 'top layer' of asphalt means that when turning from Bardon Road onto the roundabout to go left, the vehicle loses traction easily and is also similar to driving down a farm track. This coupled with the layer of mud from the quarry lorries makes this a particularly high risk junction. Potholes on the roundabout itself have been filled recently, but this part of the carriageway, arguably the worst part, was left untouched.

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  • Totally agree for what it’s worth the constant mud on the roads and pavements is bad enough but the holes in the road surface and manhole covers lower than the finished level is a horrible in the daylight but horrendous in the rain or when it’s dark, the quarry and the housing site need to have a better cleaning regime than just the odd road sweeper that just redistributes it around than removing it….I see this gets reported a lot on Grange road too but nothing ever gets done…

    Posted anonymously at 11:59, Fri 3 March 2023

  • Still open, via questionnaire, 10:37, Thu 30 March 2023

  • Still open, via questionnaire, 13:09, Thu 27 April 2023

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