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Roundabout requires signs for lane direction

Reported via desktop in the Road traffic signs category anonymously at 16:13, Tue 21 February 2023

Sent to Glasgow City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4252485.

This is a busy roundabout at peak times, however the problem is usually at 5pm rush whereby traffic coming off the M74 and wanting to head east towards Uddingston will take the left hand lane of the roundabout to turn right. These are blatant attempts to 'get in front' of already queueing traffic in the right hand lane of the northbound carriageway at this point. I have had several close calls of cars passing on the left as I'm turning right. This kind of road behavior goes against highway code and would be a test fail. Arrows painted on the road or new signs may help matters. It's only a matter of time before I'm involved in an incident here.

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