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Insufficient sight line and dangerous junction

Reported via mobile in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 09:39, Sat 18 February 2023

Sent to Leicestershire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4243011.

Hi there,

I live in Storkit Lane, Wymeswold and would like to report two significant issues with the junction between the A6006 and Storkit Lane.

1. When trying to exit Storkit Lane turning right onto the A6006, there is insufficient sight of oncoming traffic. This is a significant hazard, accident risk and needs correcting before a serious incident occurs.

2. The entrance to Storkit Lane from the A6006 has been very poorly designed and the result is that traffic attempting to turn left into Storkit Lane from the A6006 has to slow to a stop on the A6006 if there is another vehicle already at the junction awaiting to exit. The result is that vehicles end up blocking the highway and traffic following often have to brake suddenly to avoid an accident. While there are numerous responses to this issue, the fact is that vehicles are not able to safely enter Storkit Lane without stopping on the main highway and there is a significant risk that a serious accident will occur - particularly given the large number of lorries than use the road.

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