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Near Miss

Reported via desktop in the Other (non-highways) category anonymously at 10:52, Fri 17 February 2023

Sent to Fareham Borough Council and Hampshire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4240603.

I’d like to report a near miss on Brook Lane Round About Crossing!

Something needs to be done to make this crossing safer before a kid dies!

Today my Son and I almost got taking out by a car speeding, luckily I saw them in a split second and grabbed him.

After exchanging words and calming my 10 year old son down who was clearly shaking by the experience before his football camp, I fear if he was on his own in a couple of years the outcome would have been massively different so something needs to be done to slow drivers down (not just a light that they clearly can ignore).

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