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At least one hundread broken paving slabs

Reported via desktop in the Pavements/footpaths category by andrew osbourne at 09:09, Fri 17 February 2023

Sent to Enfield Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4240175.

I can remember how long the slabs have been broke but i think most people who live in my street are just used to it now, been a few years now Since my mum came out of hospital 4 months ago for a new hip i havent really been able to get her out the flat as she is to scared of the state of the pavement, but now the better weather is coming i really need to get her up and moving as the doctors have told me to do with her I did put a complaint in before quite a few times now over the years and last week the council must of sent someone round with a bucket of cement as one of the worste cracks had been filled with cement ,and not very well ,my mums walker actually got stuck on the repair ,or so called repair I just dont understand why the council can fix one side of the road outside the church but compleatly ignore the other side , for years My mum worked all her life and employed people and paid them a wage , i should think she has paid enough tax over the years to have the road fix many times over , and she is not the only old person down this road but because the oldens dont have means of complaining or its made very difficult for them , they just have to put up or shut up Im a big beliver in calma and im sure what goeas around comes around

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  • Still not fixed , not even had a reply ,it really is a waste of time trying to get the council to do anything these days, unless you owe money ,there very quick to contact you then

    Posted by andrew osbourne at 15:35, Fri 17 March 2023
    Still open, via questionnaire

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