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Reported via desktop in the Car parking category by June Hewitt at 12:34, Wed 15 February 2023

Sent to Folkestone and Hythe District Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4234678.

Cars and vans park on the pavement across the gates so we have trouble getting in and out and on bin day its dreadful .

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  • Brabner close is a nightmare to get out your own gate somedays when I have shopping I have wrenched my back and been in pain twisting to get around cars and vans right up on the pavement across the gate ..I am in my seventies with back problems ..but even if I didn't surely this is illegal. Twice I have requested that they park either side and it makes no difference .

    Posted anonymously at 13:51, Wed 15 February 2023

  • After putting up a polite notice asking to please keep clear of gates it has got better ,but its early days ..weekends are worse ..

    Posted by June hewitt at 14:05, Wed 15 March 2023
    Still open, via questionnaire

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