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Craters and potholes along entire road

Reported via desktop in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 07:43, Fri 3 February 2023

Sent to Leicestershire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4198677.

Between LE9 7QA and LE9 8FH (Barwell Road Kirkby Mallory, leading into Kirkby Road through to it's junction with Elwell Avenue in Barwell - distance of 2.5 miles): Several craters and potholes of varying sizes along both sides (edges) of this road in several places, where vehicles cannot pass each other safely without potentially driving into them. One has to slow right down and give way to avoid them if one knows they are there! Made worse in the dark as it is an unlit stretch of country road. The road surface is also wearing thin at the Kirkby Mallory end of the road. This situation has been in evidence for several years and nothing has been done.

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