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Plenty of cars parking down here with no permits

Reported via mobile in the Car parking category anonymously at 22:55, Thu 2 February 2023

Sent to Hull City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4198474.

One car hasn't had an MOT since November. Lots of them seem to park here but leave when a parking warden appears (which is very rare), some come on a night when they are allowed to park here and leave in a morning or when a warden appears. It seems almost all the vehicles down here park for free

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  • You do know cars only need an mot once a year? So if one car had an mot in November it is OK until this Nov. Or do you mean Nov 2021? Registration numbers / pictures would be a help and if no mot report to DVLA. You say "some come at night when they are allowed to park" if they are allowed to park I don't understand your complaint.

    Posted anonymously at 07:57, Sat 4 February 2023

  • They actually have to show their permits in their cars.. which very few have.

    Yes the last bit was pointless. I was just annoyed at the time of writing... It's just impossible to park when you work shifts. No warden ever goes down there and the same cars are always there even when the enforcement's come back in to place

    Posted anonymously at 09:44, Sat 4 February 2023

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