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Disgraceful road conditions.

Reported via iOS in the Potholes category anonymously at 22:23, Mon 30 January 2023

Sent to Glasgow City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4186260.

In the past South Lanarkshire and Glasgow developed cycle routes along some length of London Road. However beyond this the road leading from the end of the cycle path is disgraceful and unsafe for cars, cyclists, motorcyclists leading up to Carmyle Avenue. Also London Road leading to Parkhead cycle routes require immediate maintenance. Design a vehicle to clean these cycle routes. These roads and cycle path sections are dangerous to road users.

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  • What’s the point spending tax payers money to make cycle routes and then failing to maintain. That’s why the roads are in such a state they are. It’s a joke. In some areas it’s just too dangerous to cycle never mind myself riding a motorbike or a scooter.

    Posted anonymously at 04:45, Wed 1 March 2023

  • What’s the point spending tax payers money to make cycle routes and then failing to maintain. That’s why the roads are in such a state they are. It’s a joke. In some areas it’s just too dangerous to cycle never mind myself riding a motorbike or a scooter.

    Posted anonymously at 15:55, Wed 1 March 2023
    Still open, via questionnaire

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