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Very dangerous icy road

Reported via desktop in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 09:51, Sun 22 January 2023

Sent to Cardiff Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4158036.

I noticed my bike kept skidding while cycling up this road the other day. Other pedestrians also seemed to be having trouble keeping upright. I dismounted , but my partner skidded off his bike shortly after. None of the other roads leading to Bwlch road were this icy, which is why it took us by surprise.

This road needs gritting.

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  • On Thursday I came off my bike on this road. I am currently off work and on a cocktail of pain relief due to the fall. The man who helped me up said I wasn't the first to come off due to ice. This road is a bus route and busy during rush hour. How can it be that the salt truck doesn't come down here?

    Posted anonymously at 10:45, Sun 22 January 2023

  • Just seen a post on the Nextdoor website stating that a bus also skidded and hit a garden wall on this Road recently.

    Posted anonymously at 12:27, Sun 22 January 2023

  • Still open, via questionnaire, 15:14, Sun 19 February 2023

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