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Such a popular sight for the gatherings of potholes

Reported via iOS in the Pothole category anonymously at 19:00, Sun 15 January 2023

Sent to Hampshire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4132896.

Let’s just confirm what we all know, the road surface on the A31 from the Ropley roundabout to the A31 Chawton roundabout at Alton is extraordinarily bad. But this site between the Shell Petrol station and the lay-by in the westerly direction takes the biscuit. Historically the flooding here has undermined the road and it just continues every day. It’s currently the east bound carriageway opposite the end of the lay-by on the other side of the road that is breaking up. Two big big potholes are gradually making their way to become one hole that will stretch the width of the whole east bound lane. Oh and the cold weather next week will also give these two holes another helping hand to join as one. When I drive past, i like to sing out loud the cracking hit by the Spice Girls ‘ 2 become 1’ In fact your workmen really should sing this too as they fill it in, for the 500th time. This section of road needs properly ( and I really do mean properly ) fully resurfacing please. Fix it now rating 9/10

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  • State changed to: In progress

    Updated by Hampshire County Council at 16:55, Mon 16 January 2023

  • State changed to: Action scheduled

    Updated by Hampshire County Council at 14:50, Fri 20 January 2023

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