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Several potholes of various sizes across the crossover

Reported via desktop in the Potholes category anonymously at 15:42, Wed 11 January 2023

Sent to Glasgow City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4115116.

Several potholes of various sizes across the crossover of the A89 Baillieston Road and the BP Sandymount Service Station. This has been reported previously on reference numbers 2007-4777-5122-6402 / 8961-0947-4890-1001 this was first reported on 29/03/22 and has been relogged several times but still remains unrepaired and could cause an accident to either pedestrians or customers vehicles.

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  • The defects are worsening after the cold and wet weather and lots of customers are complaining to the petrol station constantly. This has been reported at various intervals since March 2022 and is still not repaired please escalate.

    Posted anonymously at 14:57, Fri 10 February 2023

  • Damaged 20/2/2023 reported several times still nothing done about it

    Posted anonymously at 21:41, Mon 20 March 2023

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