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Several tyre bursting potholes on the flyover. Again...

Reported via desktop in the Potholes category anonymously at 00:45, Sun 8 January 2023

Sent to Glasgow City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4099743.

This is a common fault with this section of road. The holes get a dollop of tar dropped in them by the council 'workmen' and a week or two later the hole's back.

Stop wasting taxpayers money on cycle lanes that see one cyclist an hour on a good day and pointless (dangerous) traffic calming measures that people just take different routes through wee side streets to avoid and make the roads fit for purpose. My next car is going to have to be a big heavy 4x4 to take the punishment Glasgow's roads dish out on a daily basis. I'm sick spending money on tyres/wheels.

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