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Footpath and stiles in poor state of repair

Reported via iOS in the Pavements/footpaths category anonymously at 12:36, Sun 1 January 2023

Sent to Leicestershire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4073707.

The footpath here between the canal towpath and the interesting public footpath below the aqueduct is in a poor state, with dilapidated stiles at either end and, since the narrow steep muddy and slippery path is edged from the adjacent field with barbed wire, is dangerous. A slip all too easily results in the user being caught on the barbed wire.

This seems a shame since this footpath is evidently in regular use

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  • Observation - walkers generally now get through a broken section of fence at the top of the bank and walk across the field rather than use the slippery path and risk falling on barbed wire

    Posted anonymously at 14:04, Sun 1 January 2023

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