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Dangerous road junction for pedestrians

Reported via mobile anonymously at 14:01, Tue 27 December 2022

Sent to Leicestershire County Council and Melton Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4060296.

Crossing the road from Chapel Street carpark, over kings street, none of the left-turning cars give away to pedestrians. Everyday, I try to step out to cross this road and NEVER (over 30 times) has a car stopped for me. Part of the problem comes from this being a rat-run between A607 to A606, exacerbated by the poor visibility caused by parked busses at the bus stop on Chapel Street. Car are regularly seen flying around here at close to 30mph where the visibility doesn't allow for manoeuvres at that speed. This needs better signage, a painted crossing, a traffic island, or a safe pedestrian crossing.

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  • Highways team reported they were too busy to survey the junction.

    Posted anonymously at 08:46, Sat 28 January 2023
    Still open, via questionnaire

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