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Series of potholes

Reported via iOS in the Pavements/footpaths category anonymously at 23:00, Wed 21 December 2022

Sent to Glasgow City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4051341.

There is a series of potholes at this location where the two lanes become three, with lane one being left hand turn only. The other two lanes have serious potholes on them both as you travel generally eastwards towards the roundabout about 5-10m from the roundabout giveaway lines. This is an approximation. I haven’t been out to measure the distance and I’m trying to get it right from memory. If you go to that location you cannot fail to miss them. Both these lanes have deep and difficult to avoid potholes almost side by side but not quite. They’ve been there a while and getting worse now.

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  • After initial report an extremely poor attempt at patching up the potholes was made. NOT FIXED AT ALL. NEARLY STILL AS BAD. STILL NEEDS TO BE FIXED and most of the worst and deepest ones not even touched

    Posted anonymously at 00:12, Thu 19 January 2023

  • After initial report an extremely poor attempt at patching up the potholes was made. NOT FIXED AT ALL. NEARLY STILL AS BAD. STILL NEEDS TO BE FIXED and most of the worst and deepest ones not even touched

    Posted anonymously at 11:05, Monday 12 February 2024
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • This part of the road was reurfaced.

    State changed to: Fixed

    Posted anonymously at 11:33, Monday 11 March 2024

This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.