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Poor road repair after leak

Reported via mobile in the Other (non-highways) category anonymously at 14:34, Mon 19 December 2022

Sent to Fareham Borough Council and Hampshire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4044243.

Ticket ID 105397102

Have spoken to Ken Mackenzie at HCC re the issue below. Portsmouth water are on sight but appear to be just tarmacking over the problem rather than filling the dead space that must be underneath?! I’m obviously concerned re structural damage to our house and really would like this sorted properly and quickly. The house was already vibrating from a previous fix a year or 2 ago but is now considerably worse.

Original post. Our house is now shaking vibrating more than ever when heavy vehicles hit the recent road repair after a pipe leak. The repair looks poor and has sunk at the edges. I have mentioned this before as after a previous repair we began to feel the house clunk after a heavy vehicle hit the same spot.

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