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Bins and rubbish blocking footpath

Reported via Android in the Pavements/footpaths category by Pauline Brown at 16:34, Fri 9 December 2022

Sent to Enfield Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4025891.

59 Weir Hall Road N18 YET AGAIN!!!

This is now at least 3rd week running dustmen have not collected their bins because they have all the wrong stuff in them. They won't bring them in and just keep adding extra bags next to them on the pavement which is growing bigger and bigger and soon we are going to have a rat problem. This is in addition to the overgrown hedge that was making pathway inaccessible before the bin problem.

Enfield Council keep saying they are dealing with this and are 'issuing notices'....why can't you come down and make them move all this rubbish and take their bins in as this would be a start. They have an empty skip on their driveway.....can they not put all this excess rubbish in there and not all over the pavement???


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