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Inconsiderate parking

Reported via mobile in the Car parking category anonymously at 09:20, Sat 3 December 2022

Sent to Leicestershire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4011984.

I have observed this ridiculous parking for many months now and it makes me so angry. There is more than enough obvious space to park roadside, yet this inconsiderate person decides to park "completely" off the road and on the verge and footpath. Half of the footpath is blocked and on more than one occasion i have witnessed someone on a mobility scooter having to go into road to get past this vehicle and more recently a young mother with a pushchair had to go into road in order to get past!! This location is outside 77 kings drive, Leicester forest east LE3 3JB

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  • Whats the point in having an optional to report an issue just to be told nothing can be done???

    Posted anonymously at 16:43, Mon 5 December 2022

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