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Tarmac around drain cover is breaking up creating a pothole.

Reported via mobile in the Drainage category anonymously at 21:29, Sun 27 November 2022

Sent to Hampshire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3998021.

Over the last couple of months the tarmac around the drain cover out side No.83 Duttons Road has been gradually breaking up and with the recent rains the hydraulic pressure created by vehicles driving through water over the drain has worsened it. The drain is also not clearing the water away. This may be because the drain has colllapsed or just needs a clean out. The drain outside No.78 also needs unblocking as it doesn’t drain the road effectively when it rains. This has been happening for the last couple of months.

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  • State changed to: Action scheduled

    Updated by Hampshire County Council at 10:51, Mon 28 November 2022

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