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Reported via desktop anonymously at 12:05, Tue 22 November 2022

Sent to Mid Sussex District Council and West Sussex County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3983597.

Serious flooding occurs here each time we have heavy rain. Flood water covers the entire west bound carriageway and is very deep (up to a cars axles) as it's on blind bend and a junction it causes absolute chaos as it puts one lane completely out of use. There was an unfortunate taxi driver who was stranded in the flood up to the car bumpers last week. Had there even been warning signs about the risk of floods on this junction, he may have stood a chance, but in the dark in pouring rain he stood no chance of avoiding it. He was lucky there wasn't any traffic behind him or he's be dealing with more than a waterlogged engine. It's flooded here for years. I can't believe it's never been assessed and rectified before now.

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  • Still open, via questionnaire, 20:51, Tue 20 December 2022

  • The police then reported this on the 4th and was told 28 days to get it resolved. still nothing

    Posted anonymously at 19:31, Thu 12 January 2023

  • Still there still an accident waiting to happen.

    Posted anonymously at 06:18, Fri 5 January 2024

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