Status unknown
Blocked drains
Reported via desktop in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 11:52, Thu 17 November 2022
Sent to West Sussex County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3971522.
The surface water drain adjacent to Old Dairy Cottage is totally silted up and causing the other two drains in Backwoods Close to be overwhelmed. These should also be cleaned since it is at least six months since they were last cleared and properties in the Close are susceptible to surface water flooding. This has been reported numerous times over the last few years.
Rain is falling again today and already the drain previously reported is full (see photo). As heavy rain is forecast for the rest of this week it is probable that properties in Backwoods Close will be flooded and WSCC will be to blme because the drains haven't been cleaned regularly.
Posted anonymously at 12:57, Mon 21 November 2022
I have been informed by a Council worker who inspected the drain that this will be a low priority. The last time this happened my house was flooded resulting in a £5,000 insurance claim. Should this happen again because the drains haven't been cleared despite being clearly blocked then I shall submit the resulting bill to WSCC.
Posted anonymously at 09:12, Mon 12 December 2022
It appears that WSCC do not take action until flooding has occurred - surely once a Council has been notified of a potential flooding issue that the Council's action can prevent liability for any resulting damage lies with the Council.
Posted anonymously at 12:09, Thu 15 December 2022
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