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Double parking

Reported via Android in the Car parking category anonymously at 21:57, Wed 16 November 2022

Sent to Torbay Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3970252.

Constant double parking It's tight most days for a van If ever a ambulance or fire engine needs to get through it would be nigh on impassable

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  • Since the "no parking on single yellows between march - sept" sign has been removed this road has become hectic, mon-fri there are no pavement areas for padestrians to walk. vehicles are double parked, leaving no room for cars to pass and also parked on the pavements. This week alone an ambulance was unable to get past and various delievry vans & 2 scaffold trucks. Residents are unable to get out of their driveways as too tight to turn either direction.

    Posted anonymously at 10:06, Wednesday 11 September 2024

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