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Overgrown hedge on pavement

Reported via mobile in the Pavements/footpaths category anonymously at 12:02, Mon 14 November 2022

Sent to Leicestershire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3962487.

This hedge obstructes the pavement and a a consequence is barely wide enough for an individual to pass and becomes particularly difficult for wheelchair users and adults with children. The hedge also obstructs the view of the pavement for motorists egressing Elliott Drive with reduced splay

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  • A Leicestershire County Council Highways Inspector doesn't consider this the hedge to be on a public highway. I have provided additional images that the hedge roots are on the frontage of 39 Hinckley Road, Leicester Forest East, LE3 3GL.

    Posted anonymously at 17:00, Mon 12 December 2022

  • A Leicestershire County Council Highways Inspector doesn't consider this the hedge to be on a public highway. I have provided additional images that the hedge roots are on the frontage of 39 Hinckley Road, Leicester Forest East, LE3 3GL.

    Posted anonymously at 17:01, Mon 12 December 2022
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • Still open, via questionnaire, 19:14, Wed 11 January 2023

  • Despite sending additional photographic evidence Leicestershire County Council Highways Inspector doesn't consider this the hedge to be on a public highway.

    Posted anonymously at 19:46, Wed 8 February 2023
    Still open, via questionnaire

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