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Unsafe cycle access from Newman Road onto Oxford Road heading north

Reported via desktop in the Suggested improvements category anonymously at 18:42, Tue 8 November 2022 using FixMyStreet Pro

Sent to Oxfordshire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3949368.

The Orcas with posts recently installed might have made access to Oxford road from the end of the west side cycle path slightly safer but they have made cycle access to Oxford road from Newman road substantially more dangerous, The safest cycle crossing point from Newman road to Oxford road heading north has always been to use the traffic dead space just to the north of the pedestrian refuge as a cycle refuge and join the road north when one of the infrequent breaks appears in the fast vehicle traffic leaving the ring road. Access directly to the cycle path on the Oxford road from this fortuitous central cycle refuge is now barred by the Orcas and posts so that cyclist have no choice but to take central position on the road until they can access the on road cycle path beyond the Orcas and posts.

The cycle crossing to and from Newman road is the most dangerous of all the crossings on the southern ring road cycle path. Safe access for cyclists between the Iffley road and Newman road is key to increasing cycle commuting into the city from Littlemore. Vehicles entering Oxford road from the ring road are usually travelling much too fast. Any substantial increase in safety for cyclists and pedestrians on the road close to the roundabout will only be possible if the Vehicles are obliged to slow down by some effective traffic slowing measures.

Council ref: 3949368

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  • Thank you for your suggestion, it will be added to a list which are assessed and prioritised by our Safety Team. We will now close this report, but if your suggestion gets selected for action we will let you know.

    Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 18:42, Tue 8 November 2022

  • The safety for cyclists turning from Newman road, north onto Oxford road could at least be restored to what it was previously by removing the Orca with posts that blocks the cycle entry from the south end of Oxford road to the on road cycle lane. The orca blocking entry could be either aligned with the other orcas with posts or removed in whole or in part.

    It is unnecessarily dangerous to block the first possible cycle entry to a cycle lane, from any road on which cycling is permitted ie with few exceptions any road except a motorway.

    Posted anonymously at 12:02, Sun 13 November 2022

  • But since the LTNs more traffic has to go down the Iffley road which is really what is causing the problem. But if you want to get around this, go down the alley way between newman road and Eastern Avenue and turn north onto the Iffley road from there, much safer.

    Posted anonymously at 11:36, Mon 21 November 2022

  • I agree with this post and was in process of reporting the same issue. The new orca barriers are in general helpful to cyclists, esp the ones on the approach to traffic lights. Ideally they should also be added to the hill section as that's an awful place to cycle with drivers veering into the cycle lane. Here however being forced to 'take the lane' is a little foolish and a snub to the drivers who kindly let us cross the road.

    Posted anonymously at 11:56, Sat 26 November 2022

  • But the fact that drivers have to let you out shows how the whole junction is completely unfit for purpose. The markings then become meaningless. It's always been a tricky junction but since the introduction of LTNs it has actually become dangerous.

    Posted anonymously at 08:58, Mon 28 November 2022

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