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DANGEROUS Rotting footbridge boards

Reported via desktop in the Slabs - Uneven / Damaged / Cracked category by Northamptonshire Highways at 10:29, Wed 26 October 2022 using FixMyStreet Pro

Sent to Northamptonshire Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3915628.

The footpath bridge is not listed under RofW however the footbridge is very close to the ford and is clearly a footbridge. The walking board close to the road has rotted through and is dangerous as the board is close to breaking through to the stream. This could cause injury so I have put a WARNING sign across the bridge.

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  • Thank you for reporting a fault. Officers will now investigate the concerns and this may take up to 5 working days. If you believe that your concerns are urgent then please phone us.

    State changed to: Investigating

    Posted by Northamptonshire Highways at 10:29, Wed 26 October 2022

  • Investigation: Completed (Defect Found), Defect Repair: Not Started - We have closed the footbridge and have raised a defect to replace the rotten deckboards. This should be completed by early next year.

    Posted by Northamptonshire Highways at 08:25, Tue 1 November 2022

  • Email Update received via CSC

    When is the footbridge in Water Lane Chelveston NN9 6AF going to be repaired.

    Posted anonymously at 12:11, Mon 9 January 2023

  • This was reported in October 2022 and there has been no progress in repairing the footbridge which is not completely rotten and impassable. Due to current high water levels, there has been water covering the ford / road since at least December, making it impossible to cross on foot with suitable footwear. Current freezing conditions have produced freezing black ice on on each side of the ford, making it extremely dangerous to cross on foot. People regularly use the bridge / footpath and it is likely there will be a serious accident before long. It’s unacceptable to cut off the village walking route, especially to older residents who regularly use the route for exercise purposes.

    Posted anonymously at 08:24, Tue 24 January 2023

  • CORRECTION TO PREVIOUS UPDATE: This was reported in October 2022 and there has been no progress in repairing the footbridge which is now completely rotten and impassable. Due to current high water levels, there has been water covering the ford / road since at least December, making it impossible to cross on foot without suitable footwear. Current freezing conditions have produced freezing black ice on on each side of the ford, making it extremely dangerous to cross on foot. People regularly use the bridge / footpath and it is likely there will be a serious accident before long. It’s unacceptable to cut off the village walking route, especially to older residents who regularly use the route for exercise purposes.

    Posted anonymously at 08:33, Tue 24 January 2023

  • Please fix the footbridge before someone gets seriously injured on the ice.

    Posted anonymously at 11:58, Wed 25 January 2023

  • More photos

    Posted anonymously at 12:00, Wed 25 January 2023

  • When will this be fixed?

    Posted anonymously at 22:05, Tue 25 April 2023

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