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Concrete tipped in alleyway that leads from North Boundary Road to Pillar Avenue

Reported via mobile in the Flytipping category anonymously at 23:30, Thu 20 October 2022

Sent to Torbay Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3903642.

Concrete tipped on a Devon Bank that runs along the alleyway leading from North Boundary Road to Pillar Avenue Brixham

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  • There has been more flytipping of the same building materials further down the alleyway. This now includes a wheelbarrow in addition to concrete & gravel all of which is killing off the vegetation below 😡

    Posted anonymously at 17:47, Sun 23 October 2022

  • Still open, via questionnaire, 11:58, Fri 18 November 2022

  • Some of it has been removed but there are more piles of gravel & concrete further along the alleyway. Presumably tipped by the builders that worked on the adjacent bungalow (with the huge palms) as this type of gravel was used there & it happened at the same time that the work was being carried out.

    Posted anonymously at 13:29, Fri 18 November 2022

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