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Masses of Pigeon faeces

Reported via mobile in the Street cleaning category anonymously at 16:39, Sat 1 October 2022

Sent to Enfield Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3861360.

Once again Enfield are failing to keep the area under the Bridge on Holtwhites Hill free of pigeon poo. The strench is unbearable as you walk beneath the bridge with only small parts of the pavement poo free. I suffer with asthma and have found that the fumes really irritate my they throat and respiratory system so much so I have to try to hold my breath whilst walking under the bridge. A quick clean down with a jet wash is not sufficient I'm afraid, there needs to be a better long term solution in place. Enfield Council seem to pass the problem to the railway company which has been ignored. This must be sorted, please help us.

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