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Drains blocked

Reported via desktop in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 12:32, Fri 9 September 2022

Sent to Glasgow City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3814050.

Drain blocked, flooding driveway and out into road causing aquaplaning to passing vehicles. This is the lowest drain from slopes from two directions. The road regularly floods during heavy rain, covering the road entirely from Glencairn gardens past this drain and up towards Newark drive, causing vehicle difficulties. It then only soaks away. This has been reported a number of times and is more than a simple clear-out, as the drain used to have extremely good flow but now struggles even after the rudimentary drain cleaning has occurred.

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  • The road is still flooding and the wetter weather is exacerbating the problem. I take photos when trying to clear the water, see more attached.

    Posted anonymously at 14:51, Fri 7 October 2022
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • I received a very short message from the council, suggesting an initial review has been conducted (although I have seen no workers?) and work will be conducted if necessary. If an investigation has been conducted, surely the required action could have been provided. I have no confidence they will do anything from what has been sent. It is an information message with NO information. Currently the leaves from the park that are in the gutter are turning to sludge, as no road cleaner have been deployed along with no drain resolution...

    Posted anonymously at 18:22, Wed 16 November 2022
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • No work on the drain has been conducted. The small park sweeper came during the frozen period, so all leaves in the gutter were firmly stuck in place, so a nice gesture but no real resolution.

    Posted anonymously at 17:58, Thu 15 December 2022
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • Having repeatedly shoveled the rotting dead leaves out of the gutter & around the drain, water seeps away faster but still not good as it still pools in relatively medium rain. A larger road sweeper came after the event but I still haven't seen any attempt to improve the drainage performance. With low flow, any sediment remains at the bottom of the drain, way out of my reach or visibility. This is not the only non-functional drain along the road but this one is the lowest point, so where the lake forms, so is the most important. Glasgow council sent a short note some time ago but only to say they will do something if necessary. I can't get out of my drive after rain, so can't ignore it, as it appears the council are.

    Posted anonymously at 14:29, Sat 14 January 2023
    Still open, via questionnaire

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