Status unknown
Tons of litter
Reported via Android in the General fly tipping category anonymously at 21:18, Fri 26 August 2022
Sent to Peterborough City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3783887.
As per previous reports, the end of the B11081 that used to serve the entrance to the A1 years ago is used as a dumping ground. You are well aware of this yet do nothing. The amount of money this must cost tax payers throughout the years must be tens of thousands. The head of Environmental Partnership mentioned blocking access off however this hasn't happened. Please can you block this flytipping hotspot off? At the moment, there is tons of litter and flytipping waste at this location. No sooner will you clear it, more will appear.
As this is private land we are unable to resolve, this is the land owner’s responsibility. Your report will still be sent to our environmental enforcement team who will investigate. Unfortunately, we can’t provide updates on these investigations so your report will be marked as closed once it has been received.
State changed to: Closed
Posted by Peterborough City Council at 21:18, Fri 26 August 2022
Thanks for reporting this issue
State changed to: Open
Posted by Peterborough City Council at 21:18, Fri 26 August 2022
Updated by Peterborough City Council at 14:42, Tue 30 August 2022
This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.