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Enfield council do not empty park bins

Reported via mobile in the Rubbish (refuse and recycling) category anonymously at 13:23, Fri 26 August 2022

Sent to Enfield Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3782804.

For my entire holiday this year I have cleaned the streets of Winchmore Hill and the local parks . If I did not we would be consumed with uncleared litter. I have evidence in the form of photographs . Today the start of a long weekend bank holiday Enfield council have not emptied the bins in Grovelands park and they are overflowing . The waste falls into the lake and kills birds but this council is apathetic . The waste for the next three days of the holiday will have nowhere to be placed and the park will be rife with waste. An alleged conservation area has been destroyed over time by Enfield council . I will take images tomorrow as I am certain that they will not empty the bins - many of which have no lids - even today. It is a tragedy what they have allowed to happen and I will be reporting this to a higher authority.

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  • Still open, via questionnaire, 16:07, Fri 23 September 2022

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