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Filthy rubbish bins.

Reported via desktop in the Street cleaning category anonymously at 15:53, Tue 9 August 2022

Sent to Torbay Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3741985.

Had the unfortunate experience of having to use one of the bins around the quayside in Brixham which all are in dire need of jet washing and sanitising especially the lift handles. Perhaps the pavements and seats could be cleaned also particularly around the number 12 bus terminal in fact the whole town is a filthy disgrace.

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  • Yes I totally agree Brixham is looking disgusting why do we pay extra money for a so called Brixham council I don't know ,Mr Brian Harding resident since 1960

    Posted anonymously at 11:21, Fri 19 August 2022

  • Someone said that he thinks a token effort to clean some of the bins has taken place although I have not seen any improvement. Seems to me that Torquay's £200,000 lights are more important than cleaning the public areas and now Paignton are in line for £50,000 of lights. Surely some brooms and pressure washers would be of more use to clean some areas as we don't need anymore lights to see the state of Torbay especially the farther you are from Torquay. Brixham could do with a new canopy over the number 12 bus terminal for a start.

    Posted anonymously at 14:40, Mon 29 August 2022

  • Totally agree. Ashamed of Brixham and Furzeham we get forgotten. Instead if Hacking down the ivy bushes where hundreds if sparrows live in Cumber Close, the Council should have been cleaning the pavements and gutters of weeds and sweeping up rubbish. I have never seen this area looks so down trodden. We also need some log type benches in Furzeham park near the children's play area as there sre no seats at all at thst end.

    Posted anonymously at 10:45, Mon 5 September 2022

  • Don't know about the bins being cleaned yet as I have not been down that area lately and I haven't had a tetanus jab to protect me. Still with the downpours perhaps some sort of cleaning has taken place albeit not by the council. Thanks to all those who agree with me that Brixham is in a somewhat dirty run down way and hope something is done soon to clean up this Torbay gem.

    State changed to: Fixed

    Posted anonymously at 16:23, Tue 6 September 2022

  • Doesn't look like anything has been done. Brixham is in a sorry filthy condition every where apart from the flower beds which are looked after by volunteers who are fantastic.

    Posted anonymously at 10:25, Wed 5 October 2022
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