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No carparking available & safety concerns

Reported via mobile in the Car parking category anonymously at 08:27, Tue 9 August 2022

Sent to Hull City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3740377.

When children are going to or leaving school the street becomes blocked and a huge hazard. Sometimes parked 3 deep.

Additionally, from about 4pm it is impossible to find somewhere to park!

There has been a rise in traffic wardens, however this does not address the main issue that there is just not enough parking...

On this street there is a big grass verge. Many people park on it and dogs and cats use it as a toilet. I suggest that this verge be removed and replaced with pull into bays and the street made one way (it's a horse shoe type shape).

This would adress the parking concerns and would help with safety as currently children are in danger on paths and crossing the road to and from school due to the sheer volume of vehicles moving both ways on a narrow road where vehicles are speeding, pulling up on verges and paths and parking 3 deep in areas.

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