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Road signage for road closure at Main Street Tugby no visible for traffic turning into the village from Leicester

Reported via mobile in the Road traffic signs category anonymously at 11:45, Thu 4 August 2022

Sent to Leicestershire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3730273.

There are lorries coming into the village from Leicester and having to reverse back up Hallaton Road around a blind corner in order to find a turning space. I have investigated the A47 and the signage for east bound traffic is totally inadequate and impossible to see when making the turn into Tugby. The only sign on the eastbound side of the A47 is a diversion sign, no mention of road closure and the signage at the junction is so far over to be unreadable until after the turn. There are no more signs until you reach the roadworks at. Point where it is impossible for hgvs to make a turn, hence reversing back up the road to find a large enough turning space. Highways seem to find it impossible to understand how much traffic passes through this village, two businesses, the dairy and game bird enterprise, have regular deliveries by articulated lorries, plus the milk collection lorry to name only two. The signage is totally inadequate.

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  • Had no response whatsoever from Highways.We had a continuous flow of heavy traffic through the village for the duration of the road closure, 19 days,which then had to reverse back up through the village and round a blind bend. It about sums up Highways attitude to rural communities and their road problems. Just don’t care.

    Posted anonymously at 13:43, Thu 1 September 2022
    Still open, via questionnaire

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