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Seagulls Carntyne Road & Abbeyhill ST

Reported via desktop anonymously at 09:38, Tue 26 July 2022

Sent to Glasgow City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3707189.

In the early mornings male who stays at 841 throws / puts out food in his garden

Seagulls see him as a source of food

At times 10 - 15 - 20 swoop down picking up what ever he puts out

Early one morning male walking past 841 had to duck 3 times as seagulls were flying up and over front hedge after picking up food that had been put out

Early this morning Tuesday 26 July 2022

Male at 841 Carntyne Road - comes out front gate clutching black plastic bag goes along carntyne road

After turning into Abbeyhill street on pavement opposite 189 he had thrown down pieces of rolls 10 to 15 seagulls pecking pavement clean

He continued along Abbeyhill St once he reached wall at church emptied out what was left in black plastic bag on to pavement - upended bag shook it to ensure nothing left inside

Seagulls descended

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