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Dumped rubbish

Reported in the Dumped rubbish category anonymously at 08:51, Wed 26 June 2013

Sent to Redbridge 4 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 368112.

We have dumped rubbish littering our streets once again. Yesterday there was a fire in the recreation ground oppersite this site. It astonishes me Redbridge council have recently made Lowbrook road a permit only area, meaning that they are making money from drivers whom park their car there. You would imagine that with the new way of generating money they would pay particular attention to the litter and disgusting state this part of Ilford is in? Obviously, street cleaning and ensuring adequate maintainence is not the highest priority for this council. I on the other hand am not giving up on pushing Redbridge council as far as I can to highlight their shortcomings. I hope I have more luck in reaction with them on this issue than the previous one I had on

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