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Dangerous traffic jams caused by cars going into Tesco Express Petrol Station

Reported via mobile anonymously at 19:09, Mon 11 July 2022

Sent to Horsham District Council and West Sussex County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3668509.

I would be grateful if you could look to do something regarding the cars that queue dangerously to get to Tesco express petrol station. They block the roads and the roundabout, causing complete gridlock. They also try to make a right turn into the petrol station from Redkiln way, this blocking the road each way. I regularly use the road and have seen so many near misses. It is major accident waiting to happen. In the last year it has become substantially worse and more dangerous. Is there anyway you could work with Tesco to make this safer. Maybe install some yellow box junctions with cameras to stop the gridlock.

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  • Horsham district council and West Sussex Highways have chosen to do nothing about this problem. Maybe they will if a serious accident happens. Let's just hope it does not.

    Posted anonymously at 20:58, Mon 8 August 2022
    Still open, via questionnaire

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