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Cars parked in greenfields road NR20 3TE

Reported via desktop in the Abandoned vehicles category anonymously at 16:46, Wed 6 July 2022

Sent to Breckland District Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3654007.

A vehicle KJ08VZZ is continuesly parked outside my gates. I have already have had to pay a redelivery charge for a oil delivery because the vehicle could not turn into my property. A different vehicle had to come with a long pipe. He blocked the road for 20 minutes and was not a popular person. This vehicle only seems to move on a saturday night . If we could have a double yellow line a bit further up this would help as cars park either side of it. They mostly leave cars on Greenfields Road and catch a bus to Norwich for the day.Non of the vehicles belong to residents of Greenfields Road.Any help will be gratefully received.. I live in 1 greenfields Road and have electric gates on my property.Many thanks for any help Alice Snook

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