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No vehicle access dropped kerb

Reported via desktop anonymously at 15:43, Mon 27 June 2022 using FixMyStreet Pro

Sent to Oxford City Council and Oxfordshire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3627680.

No. 13 Champion Way has adjusted the vehicle access arrangement such that it is now walled off on the original - where there is a dropped kerb - towards the eastern boundary and hence now drive up a full face kerb to access the new parking area/frontage. This can only damage the kerbs and footway as not suited for vehicular use - will take public funds to repair damage thus caused. If the occupiers choose the ignore the letter asking them to apply for a vehicle access - a bollard must be placed at the back of the footway to prevent vehicular access - at occupiers expense.

Council ref: 3627680

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