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Bins blocking lane

Reported via iOS in the Rubbish (refuse and recycling) category anonymously at 12:46, Wed 22 June 2022

Sent to Torbay Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3615316.

Hello there I wonder if you might be able to help at the rear of 531 Babbacombe Road B&Bs we have always placed our bins next to the white wall for collection there used to be about six bins out there now as you can see from the photos there’s about 12 to 13 bins out there it’s making it very difficult to turn into the lane from Museum Road also other residents are putting their waist in my bin then leaving me nowhere to put my rubbish I’m pretty sure that most of the properties are putting out two bins for collection. Also because of the accumulation of the extra bins I have nowhere to put my recycle boxes for collection that I’ve always been collected for the last 11 years by the white wall. Half the time the lids a left up on the bins Attracting the seagulls and causing a right mess if there is anything you can do to resolve this problem it will be greatly appreciated many thanks

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  • Still open, via questionnaire, 13:42, Wed 20 July 2022

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